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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Aug 24, 2023

This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding your privacy. It explains our practices regarding the collection, usage, and disclosure of your information when you utilize our Service. Moreover, this policy provides insights into your privacy rights and the protections afforded to you by law.

Your personal data is invaluable to us. It primarily aids us in enhancing the Service we deliver. By opting to use our Service, you are consenting to the collection and usage of your information in line with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions

Interpretation: Words with initial capital letters have specific definitions, as outlined below. These definitions maintain their meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or plural form.

Definitions: For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

  • Account: A unique profile created for your access to our Service or specific components of our Service.
  • Business (CCPA context): Refers to our Company, the legal entity that gathers and processes Consumers’ personal data in the State of California, as described by the California Consumer Privacy Act.
  • Company: Herein referred to as “the Company”, “We”, “Us”, or “Our”, represents Blasted Life LLC, located at 2108 N ST STE N, SACRAMENTO, CA 95816-5712.
  • Consumer (CCPA context): A natural individual residing in California. As per the law, this includes any person in the USA for non-temporary reasons, and those domiciled in the USA but are outside the country temporarily.
  • Cookies: Small data files placed on your device by websites, capturing details of your site visit and browsing behavior.
  • Country: Pertains specifically to California, United States.
  • Device: Any equipment, like computers, mobile phones, or tablets, capable of accessing our Service.
  • Do Not Track (DNT): A proposed mechanism championed by US regulatory entities, including the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), enabling internet users to regulate the tracking of their online activities across multiple websites.
  • Personal Data: Information connected to an identified or identifiable person. Within the CCPA framework, it encompasses any data that can be associated, directly or indirectly, with you.
  • Sale (CCPA context): The act of disseminating a Consumer’s personal data to third parties in exchange for monetary or other valuable compensation.
  • Service: Refers specifically to our Website.
  • Service Provider: Any individual or entity processing data on our behalf. This encompasses third parties contracted by our Company to support the Service, offer the Service on our behalf, execute related services, or aid in assessing the Service’s use.
  • Third-party Social Media Service: Websites or social media platforms where users can register or log in to utilize our Service.
  • Usage Data: Data automatically collected, derived from Service use or its infrastructure, like the length of a webpage visit.
  • Website: Denotes Blasted Life, accessible via https://shop.blastedlife.com
  • You: The individual or entity using our Service. This could be a person, company, or other legal entity.

Collecting and Using Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected

While interacting with our Service, we may request you to provide specific personally identifiable information. This information helps us identify or communicate with you. Personal data we may request includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Email address
  • First and last name
  • Phone number
  • Address details: Street, City, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code
  • Usage data

Usage Data

Usage Data is acquired automatically upon utilizing the Service. It encompasses:

  • Your Device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address
  • Browser type and its version
  • Specific pages of our Service you access
  • Timestamps of your visits and the duration spent on pages
  • Unique device identifiers and other diagnostic metrics

For those accessing our Service via a mobile device, we might gather:

  • Type of mobile device and its unique ID
  • IP address of the mobile device
  • Mobile device’s operating system and browser
  • Unique device markers and other diagnostic information

Furthermore, data sent by your browser when you visit our Service, or when accessed via a mobile device, is also collected.

Information from Third-Party Social Media Services

Our Service allows you to register or log in using various Third-Party Social Media Services, such as:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

By choosing to register through or grant access to any Third-Party Social Media Service, we may obtain personal data associated with that account, like your name, email address, activities, or contacts.

If you opt to share additional information through your Third-Party Social Media Service account, it’s understood that you authorize the Company to use, store, and share this data in alignment with this Privacy Policy.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

We leverage Cookies and analogous tracking technologies to monitor user interactions on Our Service and hold particular data. These technologies encompass beacons, tags, and scripts, which help in refining and understanding our Service better.

Different Types of Technologies:

  • Cookies or Browser Cookies: These are tiny files placed on Your Device. You can adjust your browser settings to decline all Cookies or notify when one is being sent. If you refuse Cookies, certain Service features might be unavailable.
  • Flash Cookies: These are local stored objects used by some Service features. They aren’t managed by regular browser settings. Learn how to manage Flash Cookies here.
  • Web Beacons: These are electronic files present in parts of our Service or emails, helping in statistical recording like user counts or website activity verification.

Types of Cookies Used:

  • Necessary/Essential Cookies (Session Cookies): Vital for offering services and features on our Website.
  • Cookies Policy Acceptance (Persistent Cookies): Identifies if users have approved cookie use on the Website.
  • Functionality Cookies (Persistent Cookies): Enables the Service to remember your preferences.

More on our cookie usage can be found in our Cookies Policy or Privacy Policy’s Cookies section.

Use of Your Personal Data

Purposes for Using Personal Data:

  • Service Provision: To ensure our Service’s functionality and monitor its use.
  • Account Management: Managing your registration and providing Service functionalities to registered users.
  • Contractual Obligations: For developing and honoring contracts of purchased products or services.
  • Communication: For updates, security alerts, and other essential communications.
  • Promotions: Informing about offers, services, and events similar to your previous interactions.
  • Request Management: Addressing and handling your requests.
  • Business Transfers: Evaluating or conducting business modifications, mergers, or asset sales.
  • Analysis and Improvement: Analyzing data trends and enhancing our offerings and user experience.

Data Sharing Circumstances:

  • Service Providers: To analyze our Service’s use, process payments, and communicate with you.
  • Business Transfers: During negotiations or completion of mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales.
  • Affiliates: Sharing with our affiliated entities while ensuring they adhere to this Privacy Policy.
  • Business Partners: To offer specific products, services, or promotions.
  • Public Interaction: Information might be public when shared in public areas or through third-party social media services.
  • With Your Consent: Disclosing personal data for any other purpose after obtaining your consent.

Retention of Your Personal Data

Your Personal Data is retained by the Company as long as it’s essential for the reasons explained in this Privacy Policy. This includes legal compliance, dispute resolution, and the enforcement of our policies. Usage Data, meanwhile, is generally kept for a shorter duration unless it bolsters security, improves our Service, or there are legal reasons for longer retention.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Processing Location:
Your Personal Data is processed at our operating locations and any other sites where the involved parties process this data. This can mean that your data may be handled in places outside of your immediate jurisdiction, where data protection standards might differ.

Consent and Safety:
Your consent to this Privacy Policy, coupled with your data submission, indicates your acceptance of these transfers. We’ll take necessary precautions to make sure your data is processed securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

Business Transactions:
In events like mergers or acquisitions, your Personal Data may be transferred. We’ll notify you before any such transfer, especially if a different Privacy Policy then governs your data.

Law Enforcement & Legal Requirements:
There are situations where we might need to disclose your Personal Data:

  • Legal requirements or obligations.
  • Defending our rights or property.
  • Investigating potential Service misconduct.
  • Ensuring the safety of Service users or the public.
  • Guarding against legal liabilities.

Security of Your Personal Data

Online Vulnerabilities:
Your data’s security is paramount. However, no online transmission or electronic storage method is entirely secure. While we endeavor to protect your Personal Data through commercially viable means, we can’t promise its complete security.

Detailed Information on the Processing of Your Personal Data

Service Providers:
Certain third-party vendors we collaborate with may have access to your Personal Data. Their handling of your data is governed by their respective Privacy Policies.

For any paid offerings within our Service, third-party payment processing services may be used. Notably, we won’t store or handle your payment details – this is directly managed by third-party payment processors. They adhere to PCI-DSS standards, ensuring safe payment data handling.

Example – Square:
Refer to their Privacy Policy here.

CCPA Privacy

California Residents:
For those residing in California, this privacy notice section supplements our overarching Privacy Policy.

Categories of Personal Information Collected

The list below details the categories of personal information we may collect, as guided by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This list aims to be transparent about the data we may collect, even if we don’t collect all listed examples.

  1. Category A: Identifiers
  • Examples: Real name, postal address, IP address, email, account name, etc.
  • Collected: Yes
  1. Category B: California Customer Records
  • Examples: Name, signature, Social Security number, address, employment details, bank account details, etc.
  • Collected: Yes
  1. Category C: Protected Classification Characteristics
  • Examples: Age, race, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, etc.
  • Collected: No
  1. Category D: Commercial Information
  • Examples: Purchase history or products/services considered.
  • Collected: Yes
  1. Category E: Biometric Information
  • Examples: Fingerprints, faceprints, voiceprints, exercise data, etc.
  • Collected: No
  1. Category F: Internet Activity
  • Examples: Interaction with our service or ads.
  • Collected: Yes
  1. Category G: Geolocation Data
  • Examples: Physical location details.
  • Collected: No
  1. Category H: Sensory Data
  • Examples: Audio, visual, or similar info.
  • Collected: No
  1. Category I: Employment-related Information
  • Examples: Job history or performance evaluations.
  • Collected: No
  1. Category J: Non-public Education Information
  • Examples: Grades, transcripts, student financial information, etc.
  • Collected: No
  1. Category K: Inferences
  • Examples: Profiles reflecting preferences, behaviors, abilities, etc.
  • Collected: No

Exclusions from CCPA:

The CCPA doesn’t include:

  • Public info from government records.
  • Deidentified or aggregated consumer info.
  • Excluded info like:
  • Health info covered by HIPAA or CMIA.
  • Data governed by laws like FRCA, GLBA, FIPA, etc.

Sources of Personal Information

We gather personal information from the following sources:

  1. Directly from You: This includes information you input into our Service, such as form submissions, preferences, or purchases.
  2. Indirectly from You: Information gathered based on your activity or interactions within our Service.
  3. Automatically from You: Via technological means such as cookies used by us or our Service Providers while you navigate our Service.
  4. From Service Providers: Information acquired from third-party vendors we collaborate with to offer our Service, including payment processors.

Use of Personal Information for Business or Commercial Purposes

Your personal information is vital for various reasons:

  1. Providing and maintaining our Service.
  2. Offering customer support, addressing concerns, and enhancing the Service based on feedback.
  3. Addressing the specific reasons you provided the information for, like inquiries or purchases.
  4. Complying with legal, governmental, or regulatory requirements.
  5. Administrative, auditing, and internal use.
  6. Enhancing security and combating fraudulent or illegal activities.

The examples above are illustrative, not exhaustive. For a comprehensive understanding, please refer to the “Use of Your Personal Data” section. Should there be any change in the purpose of using your data, this Privacy Policy will be updated accordingly.

Disclosure of Personal Information for Business or Commercial Purposes

Over the past year, we might have disclosed the following personal information categories:

  1. Category A: Identifiers
  2. Category B: California Customer Records
  3. Category D: Commercial information
  4. Category F: Internet Activity

While these categories are based on CCPA definitions, it doesn’t mean all data examples within each category were disclosed. Our disclosure aligns with the CCPA guidelines, backed by contracts ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data by third parties.

Sale of Personal Information

The term “sale” in the CCPA can include various forms of information exchange, even if there isn’t direct monetary compensation. Over the last twelve months, the potential categories of personal information we might have “sold” include:

  1. Category A: Identifiers
  2. Category B: California Customer Records
  3. Category D: Commercial information
  4. Category F: Internet Activity

Remember, not all data examples within these categories might have been “sold.”

Share of Personal Information

Your personal data might be shared with:

  1. Service Providers: Entities that help us provide our Service.
  2. Payment Processors: For facilitating transactions.
  3. Affiliates: Our related companies.
  4. Business Partners: Entities we collaborate with.
  5. Third-party Vendors: Specifically, those you or your agents grant us permission to share information with concerning our services.

Our main goal in collecting, using, disclosing, selling, or sharing personal information is to enhance our Service, ensuring it aligns with your needs and expectations, while fully respecting your privacy rights.

Sale of Personal Information

As defined in the CCPA, “sell” and “sale” mean selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information by the business to a third party for valuable consideration. This means that We may have received some kind of benefit in return for sharing personal information, but not necessarily a monetary benefit.

Please note that the categories listed below are those defined in the CCPA. This does not mean that all examples of that category of personal information were in fact sold, but reflects our good faith belief to the best of our knowledge that some of that information from the applicable category may be and may have been shared for value in return.

We may sell and may have sold in the last twelve (12) months the following categories of personal information:

  • Category A: Identifiers
  • Category B: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
  • Category D: Commercial information
  • Category F: Internet or other similar network activity

Share of Personal Information

We may share Your personal information identified in the above categories with the following categories of third parties:

  • Service Providers
  • Payment processors
  • Our affiliates
  • Our business partners
  • Third party vendors to whom You or Your agents authorize Us to disclose Your personal information in connection with products or services We provide to You

Sale of Personal Information of Minors Under 16 Years of Age

We respect the sensitivity of children’s information. We do not intentionally collect data from minors under 16 through our Service. However, some third-party websites we link to might. These sites maintain their own privacy norms, and we urge parents and guardians to stay proactive about their children’s online activities and ensure children don’t share information without parental consent.

We firmly commit to not selling information of consumers identified as under 16 unless there’s affirmative authorization from the consumer (if they’re between 13 and 16) or their parent/guardian (if they’re under 13). Opting into the sale of personal information can be reversed at any point. For such requests or if you suspect a child has provided us with personal data, please get in touch.

Your Rights under the CCPA

If you’re a California resident, the CCPA endows you with specific rights:

  1. Right to Notice: Know the type of personal data collected and its intended use.
  2. Right to Request: Acquire details about your data’s collection, use, sale, and sharing.
  3. Right to Opt-Out: You can direct us not to sell your data.
  4. Right to Deletion: Subject to exceptions, you can request data deletion.
  5. Right Against Discrimination: Exercising your rights should not lead to discrimination, be it in pricing, service quality, or any other form.

Exercising Your CCPA Data Protection Rights

To exercise any CCPA rights, California residents can reach out to us:

Requests should come from either you or someone authorized to act on your behalf and registered with the California Secretary of State. Requests should:

  • Allow us to reasonably ascertain your identity or your representative’s.
  • Be detailed enough for us to understand, assess, and address them.

There might be instances where we can’t fulfill requests if we can’t confirm your identity or the information’s association with you.

Information will be provided within 45 days, extendable by another 45 days with prior notice, free of charge. Our disclosures will encompass the preceding 12 months from the request’s receipt. For data portability, we’ll ensure the format is usable and facilitates easy information transfer.

Do Not Sell My Personal Information

You reserve the right to prevent the sale of your personal data. On receiving and verifying your request, we will cease the sale of your information. Reach out to us to exercise this right.

“Do Not Track” Policy

In accordance with CalOPPA, our Service doesn’t honor “Do Not Track” signals. Yet, some third-party websites track your browsing. You can set your browser to signal websites you don’t want tracking. Adjust this through your browser’s settings or preferences.

Children’s Privacy

Our platform is not intended for users below 13. We don’t purposely gather identifiable information from this age group. Parents or guardians aware that their child shared personal data with us should contact us immediately. If we realize we’ve unknowingly collected such data without parental consent, we will act promptly to remove it. If consent is legally required from a parent for specific processing activities, we will obtain it.

Your California Privacy Rights

California’s Shine the Light law lets Californians with an established relationship with us ask annually about our practices related to sharing personal data with third parties for their direct marketing. California residents can reach out for more details.

Privacy Rights for Minor Users in California

California residents under 18, if registered users of online platforms, can under California Business and Professions Code Section 22581, seek the deletion of content or data they’ve publicly uploaded. To ask for data deletion, contact us with the email linked to your account. Note: This doesn’t ensure total removal of online content or data, and certain situations might not allow or necessitate removal.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service might have third-party website links. Clicking them will redirect you to their sites. We recommend thoroughly going through their Privacy Policies. We can’t control or be held accountable for third-party content, policies, or practices.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This policy might be updated occasionally. Any modifications will be shared on this page. Before any significant changes become active, we’ll notify you through email or a conspicuous notice on our Service, and we’ll also update the “Last updated” date. Regularly review this policy for any alterations.

Contact Us

For any Privacy Policy queries, contact us: